What do you consider when you purchase hair extensions?
Now more and more women are pursuing to order hair extensions on Aliexpress, amazon, or official website. Because almost of them are proud of their beautiful hair weave, absolutely I do. Some are purchasing their from the local beauty supply store and from their hairdresser, maybe it is reliable but rather expensive. I believe most of them are watching YouTube beauty gurus to get some information of human hair about their price, quality and how it looks like, it maybe from aliexpress, or something else. So with the high demand for Virgin hair extensions, many are looking to online vendors and boutiques to make their hair purchases. It is not only more convenient, but in most cases, it’s often cheaper than purchasing from your stylist. So when you are purchasing online, pls remember these hair tips which might be helpful for you. 1.Where to research the brand before buying The first one is YouTube. Many hair gurus and youtubers have most likely tried the brand. If you just simply ...