4 Questions You Need To Ask To Your Hairstylist Before Getting A Weave
Do not be afraid to ask questions to your hair stylist at salon, it may help you avoid any hair issues you could have after your installed your weave. Today i want to share some questions you may ask before you get the sew in. t's great to have the conversation with your hairdresser. So you're able to manage your expectations, and know what you're getting yourself into beofre you get the weave. The first thing that I would like to ask is, how do I prepare my hair for the weave? Another thing is, how long can I keep my weave in for? I think a lot of times at my salon, we'll have people come in and they'll get a weave, and they always like, I thought I could keep this in for six months. In fact. More weave can not get last that long. But you may find some quality hair weave, It can last for a long time with good care. You've got to know what you are getting in to before you go in. One thing tha...